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Am I Too Late to Get Wishes on Paper?

 Now I Realize that I should have Gotten My Papers in Order…
                                                                 but It is probably too Late – What Do I Need?
doctors and surgeons in operating room with patient

Whether you fell down the stairs and have bleeding on your brain or whether you were just diagnosed with aggressive COVID 19, you may feel that sense of panic.  "I never completed paperwork OR I never told my loved ones what I want if my death is imminent."  The good news is that it may not be too late.

No, you won’t get all your papers in order. If you die and your estate has assets that haven’t been deeded to others or had beneficiaries named, you won’t avoid probate. But if you have relatively simple assets, it won’t be a huge burden to those you left behind.

If I could recommend one thing that you should do – because of your scary medical state – it is to name someone to speak for you – to be your “trusted decision maker” or substitute consent giver.  

Feel you have little time to make your wishes known?  I strongly recommend you look at and click the "trusted decision maker form".  I explain it below.

Right now you may not have time to complete the ubiquitous advance directive (also known as a living will). But you can complete a simple form stating who you want to speak for you (and even a backup person). You can select to:

1  appoint someone to make all the decisions for you trusting that they know you that well
2 keep on living no matter how much medical intervention is tried and needed from machines to special care units
3  only agree to live if you have a good change of getting better
4 not suffer and hence not allow special medical treatments like CPR or breathing machines but rather die naturally

It isn’t a legal document but since common practice is for the medical world to do everything possible to keep you alive, the form will help a loved one speak for you and get heard. Without this they probably will turn to a spouse (we all don’t have one), adult children (again if you have those and if they care), or your own parents (if you are lucky enough to still have one of those).  

With luck, you will not fall down the stairs, nor will you get the COVID 19 at least not to the extent that your life lies in the balance. With luck, this will be the wakeup call you needed to remind you that life does not go on forever. That making plans way in advance of when they are needed is a good thing – for you and for your loved ones.  

four leaf clover is one symbol of luck


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